Nov 18


DATAGRI was born in 2018 as a forum on digital transformation in the agri-food sector with the aim of promoting the digital transformation process in this sector. Innovate, disseminate, cooperate and surprise are the four action verbs that mark the philosophy of this plural initiative.

This year it wants to make its fourth edition in the original format – since in 2020 it had to be online due to Covid19-.

From November 25 to 26 in Lleida, the main trends on digital transformation in the agricultural sector and the success stories that are accelerating this process throughout the value chain will be analyzed in different formats.
  • On November 25, the Forum Day will be held at the Llotja Conference Center and will feature presentations by experts and international success stories.
  • On November 26, the Farming Day will be held at ETSEA (Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering) + IRTA Facilities (Finca de Mollerussa) and will focus on field demonstrations with innovative solutions related to artificial intelligence, big-data, Internet of things ”, sound, satellite connections, etc.

eProjecta, as head engineering, will carry out the legalization of the electrical installation.